Specialized Treatment for Phonological Disorders
Are you wondering if your child is saying sounds correctly for their age range? Phonological disorders are errors that impact more than one sound, such as a class of sounds. There may be deletions, such as the deleting of the initial consonant on words or the final consonant on words. There may be the reduction of syllables in words or the reduction of a sound in a consonant cluster. Children with phonological disorders may be very difficult to understand to familiar and unfamiliar listeners. The Speech Sessions team can help determine if your child is producing sounds in error and if those errors are developmentally appropriate for their age range, or if those errors are currently not developmentally appropriate and should be evaluated further. Contact Speech Sessions to request a complimentary screening to determine if an evaluation is recommended.
What are some benefits of Online Speech Therapy?
- Online speech services are a convenient way to access treatment from the comfort of your home, without the need for travel, to accommodate busy schedules, and for those living in remote or rural areas.
- Online speech services at Speech Sessions are provided in one-on-one settings, so your child gets individualized care targeted specifically to meet his or her needs.
- Online speech services allow caregivers to participate in sessions, learn techniques to use during home practice, ask questions, observe your child’s progress, and feel confident about helping your child practice target sounds in carryover activities between sessions.
- Online speech services are a fun, interactive way for your child to work on their speech production from the comfort and security of their own home. With the advancement of technology, activities can be shared on-screen by the SLP to enhance the learning experience, increase engagement in the task, and support the skills being taught.